Erratic series (2021 - 2023)

Glacial Stillness (2021 - 2022)
12” x 9” (each), Chromaluxe HD metal print
Glacial Stillness (2021 - 2022)
12” x 9” (each), Chromaluxe HD metal print
Glacial Stillness (2021 - 2022)
12” x 9” (each), Chromaluxe HD metal print
Mountains in Recovery (2022)
12” x 18” (each), Chromaluxe HD metal print
Mountains in Recovery (2022)
12” x 18” (each), Chromaluxe HD metal print
Mountains in Recovery (2022)
12” x 18” (each), Chromaluxe HD metal print
Undeveloped Suburban Lot (2022)
40” x 50”

These three photographic works make up the Erratic series within this body of work.

Glacial Stillness, is a photographic series of erratics carefully traced with contour lines in white, attempting to find an edge to the rock that has and will continue to weather away. In these works, I am considering the failure of colonial boundaries to adequately describe space and time. As Marcia Bjornerud states, “we are all citizens of a planet whose tectonic, hydrologic, and atmospheric habits ignore national boundaries”. 

In Mountains in Recovery I drew a white dot grid over a triptych panorama of the Paahtómahksikimi (Waterton Lakes National Park) mountain range, whose forests were burned by the Kenow wildfire in 2017. This land has become a site for witnessing ecological renewal and respect for the importance Indigenous fire stewardship. In the photographs, the white snow starkly contrasts the charred trees left behind and conjures anxiety via the increasingly present indicators of climate change. Drawing on Rosalind Krauss’s influential essay Grids (1979), the grid expands without boundary, while also functioning to allow “a contradiction between the values of science and those of spiritualism”. The grid also references historical and ongoing colonial survey and extraction of the land. 

My investigation into erratics and time is also explored in Undeveloped Suburban Lot, a large-scale photograph of two boulders against a swirling background of stars.